Myron Calhoun's Operating Certificate - W6RO - R.M.S. Queen Mary
Myron Calhoun says, "It was a long time ago when I operated from the Queen Mary's radio room (while it was -- and still is -- "parked" and acting as a tourist attraction in Long Beach, CA), but I was a MAARS member then."

From Wikipedia:

"Queen Mary's original, professionally manned wireless radio room was removed once the ship arrived in Long Beach. In its place, an amateur radio room was created one deck above the original radio reception room with some of the discarded original radio equipment used for display purposes. The amateur radio station with the call sign W6RO ("Whiskey Six Romeo Oscar") relies on volunteers from a local amateur radio club. They are present most of the time the ship is open to the public, and the radios can also be used by other licensed amateur radio operators."


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