Monthly Newsletter Supporting the Advancement of Amateur Radio October 2002 |
Hello everyone. The weather is cooling off quite a bit now so hopefully you can get any outside projects done that you've been putting off because of the heat. It won't be much longer and we will be complaining about how cold it is. Last month's meeting was our annual picnic, held at the Oregon Trail Nature Park in Pott. Co. The weather was perfect for the picnic and everyone had fun conversing, eating, playing football and playing music. Unfortunately we did have some uninvited guests buzzing around the food area. I guess flies are the price you pay for a picnic during nice weather, might be better than ants, anyway. Our next meeting will be on October 11, 2002 at 7:30 P.M. at the Red Cross building in Manhattan. As this is the last month before our annual elections, we need to get a couple of people to form a nominating committee to consider nominations for officers this coming year. Offices include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. MAARS will be holding a test session on Saturday, October 19, 2002. If anyone plans on taking an exam for the Extra class license let us know as soon as possible so we can make sure we have enough volunteers. Also if you are interested in becoming a volunteer examiner, let me know and I can pass the info on so you may do so. We've had a great number of people taking exams over the past year and an above average number of youth. Before you come to Friday's meeting, don't forget to join us for dinner and conversation at the Sirloin Stockade in Manhattan. Several members gather there at about 5:30. As always, dinner and our meeting is open to all members and non-members. We will hopefully see you all there.
Brian Carter, KCØDWX
Well, it looks like the weather is making its change. Since the weather has started to get cooler, it sparked a couple of thunderstorms that brought some wind, rain and lightning. There must have been some concern with the storm we had this last Thursday night because the National Weather Service gave me a call and was asking for a report. With that, remember that Kansas does have a history of having tornadoes in every month of the year. Yes, that even includes January. In the early to mid 1940s Kansas had a tornado in January. From 1950 to 2000, we have had tornadoes in every month except January. Well, it is October and it is time for an election committee. I don't know who will be on the committee (yet), but I am sure they will do a fine job as has been in the past. In speaking of elections, I have thought about running again. After long consideration I will go ahead and throw my hat back in the ring for another term as the club's VP. It would be nice to have a little competition this year. So, I would like to challenge all of those members who have never been officers, to step up to the plate and swing the bat. If you strike out, better luck next year. If you get a hit, you have a title for a year and a little responsibility. It doesn't hurt and it can be fun. So, in the word of a famous game show announcer, "COME ON DOWN." It's your turn in a MAARS Officer Seat. Have fun!
Bob Bartholic, KBØZWK
This will not be a formal report of the August MAARS meeting since I was unable to attend the meeting due to car trouble on my way to the meeting. My brakes went out suddenly because of brake line leak. It could have been worse. It could have happened when I got into Manhattan traffic instead of at the gas station where I stopped on the way. We had no formal meeting in September, but we did have the annual MAARS picnic on September 15 at the Oregon Trail Nature Park, located near Belvue. It was a beautiful day, sunny and mild temperature, and it was an ideal day for outside activities. A reminder: there is a VE exam scheduled for Saturday, October 19
NEW FROM ARRL - Beginning October 1, 2001, our club will receive $15 for each new member joining the ARRL through our club. This is for new members or those who have not been a member for two or more years. There will be no commission for renewals but we still may submit your renewals, if you wish. Since the club retains the dues, it is necessary for you to write your check to MAARS, and then the treasurer writes a check to ARRL.
Dues will be due by Oct. 31 and are: regular membership $20, full-time student $10, family $30. Please complete the following when renewing your membership, even if you did so last year. Return to the Treasurer, at a meeting or to MAARS, P. O. Box 613, Manhattan, KS 66505-0613. NAME _______________________________________ CALLSIGN ____________ MAILING ADDRESS____________________________________ DATE _____________ CITY _______________________________ STATE _____ ZIP CODE _____________ TELEPHONE # (____)_______________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________ FOR FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: NAME _______________________________________ CALLSIGN ____________ NAME _______________________________________ CALLSIGN ____________ CHECK THE FOLLOWING WHICH APPLY: ____ ARRL member ____ It is alright to list my e-mail address on the homepage. It is alright to list my address and telephone number for distribution only to our members. ____ How do you prefer to receive your newsletter?
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