Monthly Newsletter Dedicated to the Advancement of Amateur Radio August, 2001 |
Hopefully everyone has been staying cool during the past few weeks. The high temperatures and humidity have certainly kept me in where it is cool. A few members of the club however braved the hot outdoors to attend the Riley County Fair on behalf of the MAARS club. The Riley Co. communications van was set up there where, Myron (WØPBV), and Henry (KAØSWM), provided equipment to set up a station to operate HF. Other members to attend were Mike (NØPVU), Bob(KBØZWK), and Laurie (KCØKTY). Set up for the public to see were some QSL cards as well as photographs taken from Field Day. During the last meeting we discussed the programming of the repeater and asked people for suggestions of things they might like to have the repeater do. Hopefully you will get with us at the club meeting and let us know. We should put these items down on paper so they aren't forgotten. Chuck (AAØRI) has been correcting some mistakes in the code already in the repeater. One such correction occurred with emergency auto patches timing out too fast. As Chuck discovered, the code was there to extend the time, but was immediately reset to the original timeout in the same line of code. Thanks to all for being patient during the times the repeater was out of use and being programmed. As you are all probably aware, the KSU solar car team recently finished the American Solar Car Challenge with a position of 5th place. Congratulations to the team. Daniel Soldan (KBØOTV) has agreed to try and get some of the members of the team together for our program during our August meeting. They should have some interesting stories and information to share. Our meeting will be held Friday, August 10th at 7:30 P.M. at the American Red Cross Building at 2601 Anderson, in Manhattan. Members will meet for dinner at the Sirloin Stockade in Manhattan around 5:30 P.M. We hope to see you all there.
Brian Carter, KCØDWX
The MAARS meeting of July 13, 2001 was started at 7:30 P.M. by the president, Brian, KCØDWX. A motion was made and voted to approve the secretary's minutes report of the June MAARS meeting. Brian announced that a total of 248 radio contacts were made during Field Day. Also that Chuck and Brian had previously adjusted the squelch level on the repeater. The Riley County Fair is scheduled for the July weekend , the 27th and 28th, Friday and Saturday. The time is from 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. MAARS and WARN have been invited to participate in the displays. Bob, KBØZWK, requests volunteers to assist with this event. Brian and the group discuss having an annual picnic. The date decided for the picnic was September 23, Sunday, starting at 4:00 P.M. The site will be the Oregon Trail park. It was announced that the Salina Hamvention will be on Sunday August 19. The Pony Express special event operation will be on Sunday 26. There is a discussion of having ham license classes at UFM. No decision was made on this. Chuck, AAØRI, suggests reprinting the repeater emergency auto-patch and special function cards. The meeting is closed at 9:00 P.M. with 14 in attendance.
If you would like to become a member of or renew your membership in the American Radio Relay League and receive the monthly issue of QST, your treasurer has a form you may use to apply. If renewing, just bring along your notice of renewal to the club meeting. The club is allowed to retain $5 of each new member's dues and $2 of each full member who is renewing. Since the club retains the dues, it is necessary for you to write your check to MAARS, and then the treasurer writes a check to ARRL for the amount minus the $5 or $2.
Dues will be due by Oct. 31 and are: regular membership $20, full-time student $10, family $30. Please complete the following when renewing your membership, even if you did so last year. Return to the Treasurer, at a meeting or to MAARS, P. O. Box 613, Manhattan, KS 66505-0613. NAME _______________________________________ CALLSIGN ____________ MAILING ADDRESS____________________________________ DATE _____________ CITY _______________________________ STATE _____ ZIP CODE _____________ TELEPHONE # (____)_______________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________ FOR FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: NAME _______________________________________ CALLSIGN ____________ NAME _______________________________________ CALLSIGN ____________ CHECK THE FOLLOWING WHICH APPLY: ____ ARRL member ____ It is alright to list my e-mail address on the homepage. It is alright to list my address and telephone number for distribution only to our members. ____ How do you prefer to receive your newsletter?
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