Monthly Newsletter  Supporting the Advancement of Amateur Radio  July 2009

Brian Carter, KCØDWX

This past month MAARS held their annual Field Day event in participation with the ARRL annual Field Day. I'd like to thank all those who helped with equipment or food, or simply by manning a radio. You all know who you are, and it takes participation to make it work out.

The logs totaled up to approximately 381 contacts, give or take a few. Of particular note was David Soldan making 38-plus contacts in 42 minutes on CW on Sunday morning. Here is a breakdown of contacts and band.

40 meters38
40 meters207
20 meters71
15 meters40
10 meters22
6 meters3

While I was at the event very little, I enjoyed seeing everyone there, and was very happy to have both Dave and Daniel Soldan join us. Also, Erin Crouch and Henry Bachman visited us, as well as a few hams in the area that could not make the event. I'm also glad Gordon KBØYYO had the chance to participate with the group. Thank you all.

I'd like to also make a brief mention that we will try to make our meetings a bit more organized in the future. The officers hope we can get more interest in meeting topics for the group and less in general discussion. The goal here is to present people with a learning experience, and minimize business discussion. The officers will hold a separate business meeting monthly to discuss what direction we would like to guide things, and discuss topics members bring up that they would like us to consider. Those topics will be discussed at the officer meeting, and the general findings will be returned the following month. In many cases, a committee may be formed to work with these issues. I have dealt with too many things for far too long in a haphazard fashion, and I apologize.

We will hopefully join together at the Sirloin Stockade in Manhattan for dinner around 5:30 P.M., and then move on to the meeting at 7:30 P.M. at the Red Cross, 2601 Anderson Ave. for the meeting. I believe we will have a guest, Terry Hoss, KAØBHO, to discuss briefly the help they need for the MS 150 bike ride to be held in the Topeka-ish area in September.

See you all there.

Brian Carter, KCØDWX
WARN (Weather Amateur Radio Network) member

Scott Chainey, ACØCY

no report

Francis Sable, WØEVJ

MAARS participated in the annual ARRL-sponsored Field Day event on June 27 and 28, setting up in the Manhattan Northview community park. A list of those attending were: Rudy, KDØBLT; Mike, NØPVU; David, KDØAZG; Rich, KBØZGY; Myron, WØPBV, Gordon, KBØYYO; Brian, KCØDWX; Daniel, KBØOTV; Leo, KDØCLX; Sylvia, KCØYJO; Mark, KCØQAS; Mike, WØMAF; Dale, WNØWWY; David Soldan, NØIN and Francis, WØEVJ. Also visitors: Erin Crouch, KCØTXL; Henry Bachman ,KAØSWM; Ronald, NØQIM and Phyllis Fulmer.

Those bringing equipment or other supplies for the Field Day operation were: Daniel, KBØOTV, Ten-Tec Omni HF radio and power supply, homemade 40m vertical antenna; Rich, KBØZGY, FT-450 HF radio , MFJ pwr supply, 2 m radio with portable antenna and battery; computer for logging, Mark, KCØQAS, 4 KW motor generator, gas grill; Dave, KDØAZG, G5RV HF antenna and mast, 5 KW motor generator and other items; Sylvia, KCØYJO, food and drink supplies and other items; Phyllis Fulmer, food and drink supplies; Mike, NØPVU and Dave, KDØAZG brought camper units for overnight stay at the site. Mike also supplied and prepared a pancake breakfast for the group on Sunday morning.

The weather was hot on Saturday, but was helped by a breeze blowing through the open shelter. Sunday morning was cooler and pleasant. The operation went the full time allowed, which was 1:00 P.M. on Sunday. We missed our usual FD power source, which was the motor generator of WWII vintage and provided for many years by Fred Stueve, KØTCS, which He named it Little Jeffrey. It had become a MAARS Field Day tradition.

Christine Chainey, KCØYJN

June 2009

Cash, 6/01/09105.00 
Checking Account, 6/01/09334.34 
Savings Account, 6/01/09873.80 
Total Cash on Hand, 6/01/09 $ 1,313.14
      savings interest1.05
Total Income    + 1.05
      Marsh - insurance renewal85.00
Total Expenditures    - 119.53
Cash, 7/01/09105.00 
Checking, 7/01/09214.81 
Savings, 7/01/09874.85 
Total Cash on Hand, 7/01/09  $ 1,194.66


NEW FROM ARRL - Beginning October 1, 2001, our club will receive $15 for each new member joining the ARRL through our club. This is for new members or those who have not been a member for two or more years. There will be no commission for renewals but we still may submit your renewals, if you wish. Since the club retains the dues, it is necessary for you to write your check to MAARS, and then the treasurer writes a check to ARRL.


Dues will be due by Oct. 31 and are: regular membership $20, full-time student $10, family $30. Please complete the following when renewing your membership, even if you did so last year. Return to the Treasurer, at a meeting or to MAARS, P. O. Box 613, Manhattan, KS 66505-0613. If you are currently receiving both the email and paper copy of the newsletter, please consider just receiving the email copy. It will save the club $5-6.00 per year per copy.

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