Monthly Newsletter Supporting the Advancement of Amateur Radio July 2005

Brian Carter, KCØDWX

The Manhattan Area Amateur Radio Society's next meeting will be Friday, July 8 at the Manhattan Red Cross at 2601 Anderson Ave. We will meet at 5:30 P.M. for dinner at Valentino's, then meet at the Red Cross building for the meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M.

Members of MAARS participated in Field Day this past month. Several club members joined together in camping out Friday before Field Day, and then were joined by more members Saturday for the official event. A Butternut vertical antenna was set up and a 20 meter dipole was made and raised in the trees. We again had the use of Kenny's (KBØRPV) tower on which we assembled 'part' of the club's beam and raising the United States flag as well as the ARRL flag. A large tent was provided by Erin Crouch and Henry Bachman, and served as a place for communications as well as an area for the kids to play. Little Jeffrey was used for power and provided by Fred and Nadine Stueve.

MAARS made a total of 80 contacts under the call sign of KCØDWX on the 20 and 40 meter bands. The radio used was a Kenwood TS-430 and the MFJ differential tuner was used for tuning the antennas. Thank you to all who attended for helping make this a successful Field Day.

Field Day participants

Fred (KØTCS) and Nadine (NØUHF) Stueve, Little Jeffrey.
Henry Bachman (KAØSWM), pancakes, staking out our spot
Erin Crouch (KBØTXL); tents
Francis Sable (WØEVJ), misc equipment and radio contacts
Scott (KCØKTZ) and Christine Chainey, lots of time making contacts and logging
Myron (WØPBV) and Nancy (NØKMU) Calhoun, watermelon (makes a picnic complete)
Kenny (KBØRPV) Grant, tower on a trailer
Brian (KCØDWX) and Sylvia Carter, misc.

I'm sure I've missed some but again thanks to all who were there.

Brian Carter, KCØDWX

Dona-Rose Hackerott, NØZKX

no report

Dona-Rose Hackerott, NØZKX

Francis Sable, WØEVJ

Report for 5/13/2005

It is announced that MAARS has been requested by the local Red Cross to participate in a Red Cross sponsored Triathalon on June 5th at the local state park. It will begin at 7 AM. We are to provide communications and monitoring of the bicycle race.

The Field Day location for this year is to be at Pottawatomie State Lake 1.

It was reported that the Tri-county Bio Terrorist group simulated emergency testing was satisfactory.

Paul (W8IJI) of Junction City advises that he will be moving to Minnesota in the near future.

Scott, (KCØKTZ) offered to give the group a tour of McDonald lab on the KSU campus at some later meeting.

Report for 6/10/2005

It has been confirmed that this year's Field Day operation will be at Pott. 1. Henry (KAØSWM) has picked a site location. We may use the MAARS TS-820 for a HF radio. Fred (KCØTCS) will supply the power generator. We expect to get the 40-ft. mobile tower from Kenny (WBØRPV) to mount the tri-band antenna on.

Report for MAARS Field Day 6/24-6/25/2005

This year's FD operation went well. The site was ideal, although as usual the weather was hot and humid. We operated one transmitter, which put us in the category of 1A. Brian, KCØDWX and Henry, KAØSWM, supplied a computer and logging program, which worked very well. KCØDWX, also supplied the transceiver, a TS-430, a dipole antenna, a Butternut vertical antenna and other equipment and supplies. Kenny brought his mobile tower for the tri-band beam antenna. And as traditional, Fred, KCØTCS, supplied the electrical power with his generator, named Little Jeffrey, as he has done previously for many years. Some of the participants camped overnight Friday and Saturday. Henry provided a pancake breakfast on Sunday morning. There were about 12 or more persons attending or participating.

Erin Crouch, KBØTXL

June 2005

Cash on Hand, 6/07/0520.00 
Checking Account, 6/07/05484.42 
Savings Account, 6/07/05803.94 
Total on Hand, 6/07/05 $ 1,308.34
      dues and donation30.00
Total Income    + 30.00
      Field Day9.78
Total Expenditures    - 114.07
Cash on Hand, 7/04/0520.00 
Checking, 7/04/05400.35 
Savings, 7/04/05803.94 
Total Cash on Hand, 7/04/05  $1,224.29


NEW FROM ARRL - Beginning October 1, 2001, our club will receive $15 for each new member joining the ARRL through our club. This is for new members or those who have not been a member for two or more years. There will be no commission for renewals but we still may submit your renewals, if you wish. Since the club retains the dues, it is necessary for you to write your check to MAARS, and then the treasurer writes a check to ARRL.


Dues will be due by Oct. 31 and are: regular membership $20, full-time student $10, family $30. Please complete the following when renewing your membership, even if you did so last year. Return to the Treasurer, at a meeting or to MAARS, P. O. Box 613, Manhattan, KS 66505-0613. If you are currently receiving both the email and paper copy of the newsletter, please consider just receiving the email copy. It will save the club $5-6.00 per year per copy.

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