Monthly Newsletter Supporting the Advancement of Amateur Radio July 2002

Brian Carter, KCØDWX

The last meeting for the Manhattan Area Amateur Radio Society was on June 14th. We discussed Field Day and made our final planning. June 15th MAARS sponsored a test session and we had two technician class hopefuls attend. Both young ladies passed their tests and have since been granted their license.

June 29th and 30th Field Day was held at shelter number 4 at Tuttle Creek State Park. Radios that were used for Field Day were provided by Henry Bachman (KAØSWM), Paul Schliffke (NØUZN), and Daryl Hasenbank (NØYHJ). A bucket truck was used to support the club's antenna with a rotor. Members assembled a Butternut antenna supplied by Pete Garfinkle (KD7GBG).

Power was supplied by Little Jeffrey, thanks to Fred and Nadine Stueve. Other members aiding in setup and providing much needed equipment were Mike Moore (NØPVU), Wayne Dorothy, John Skare (NØPVT). Thank you to Laurie Harrison (KCØKTY), for arranging for our location as well as providing materials for public information, if only we had had some people stop by.

Our next meeting will be Friday July 12th, 7:30 P.M. at the American Red Cross building located at 2601 Anderson Ave. Part of our discussion will include the club sponsored videos located at the Manhattan Public Library. We will also further discuss plans for a club picnic, as this usually takes the place of our normal September meeting. Everyone is also welcome and encouraged to attend the eating meeting at the Sirloin Stockade in Manhattan around 5:00 to 5:30 P.M. Several members of the club like to get together for dinner there before the meeting. Come inside and look for us there.

Brian Carter, KCØDWX

Bob Bartholic, KBØZWK

Greeting Everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well with the raising temperatures. Hopefully soon we will get a little bit of rain to cool things down, at least for a little bit. I do know that to the north and south have been getting a little rain. Speaking of weather, there is nothing to report with WARN. This past month has been pretty quiet. I wish I could say the same for the folks in Texas. If you have been following the news, thousands of people have had to flee their homes do to raising flood waters. It has gotten to the point that the FCC made the following statement this past Friday:

General Communications Emergency Declared (Jul 5, 2002) -- Under the authority of Section 97.401 of the Federal Communications Commission's Rules and Regulations [47 C.F.R. Part 97] a general communications emergency is declared to exist in Texas requiring the protection of amateur emergency communication frequencies. Amateurs are required to refrain from using 7285 [daytime], and 3873 [night time] plus or minus 3 KHz unless they are taking part in the handling of emergency traffic. This order is effective immediately until rescinded but may be as long as 72 hours."

Arlan K. Van Doorn
Senior Advisor for Public Safety
Enforcement Bureau
Federal Commmunications Commission
Washington, DC

This may be over today, 7/8/02, but on the other hand it could be extended. For those are working HF and work in the above frequencies make sure that you stay aware of the conditions.

Field Day I understand was a pretty good time. My niece decided to have a baby that weekend, so my priorities ended up elsewhere. I did tell my niece that she needs to have better planning next time. I do have priorities J. Anyway, the fellowship is always good with our Field Days and that is the best. Someone did make the mention that sometime we ought to really go to work and see how many contacts we can actually make in that 24 hour period. I agree and think it would be fun and some work to see how well we can do by taking Field Day to work. Just once would be fine. I kind of like what we do. Make some contacts and have a good time.

This month's report for me is a little shorter than normal, but that is not a bad thing.

Have fun, be safe.

Bob Bartholic, KBØZWK

Francis Sable, WØEVJ

Brian, KCØDWX, opens the MAARS meeting for 6-14-2002 at 7:30 P.M.

There is discussion of what callsign to use for the Field Day operation. A motion is made by Erin to use KØUHF, Nadine's callsign. Motion is approved by a vote of members present. There is mention of asking Myron, WØPBV to make a PR announcement about Field Day on radio KMAN.

Francis, WØEVJ, announces an upcoming balloon launch on July 6 by Lloyd, KD4STH.

Brian announces that our annual MAARS picnic will probably be sometime in September.

The meeting is closed at about 9:00 P.M. with 18 members present.

Erin Crouch, KBØTXL
June 2002

Cash on Hand, 6/01/0223.33 
Checking Account Balance, 6/01/0281.35 
Savings Account Balance, 6/01/02805.70 
Total on Hand, 6/01/02 $ 910.38
Total Receipts    + 26.67
      Telephone 25.24
Total Expenditures    - 84.46
Cash on Hand, 6/30/0223.33 
Checking Account Balance, 6/30/02123.56 
Savings Account Balance, 6/30/02705.70 
Total Cash on Hand, 6/30/02  $852.59


NEW FROM ARRL - Beginning October 1, 2001, our club will receive $15 for each new member joining the ARRL through our club. This is for new members or those who have not been a member for two or more years. There will be no commission for renewals but we still may submit your renewals, if you wish. Since the club retains the dues, it is necessary for you to write your check to MAARS, and then the treasurer writes a check to ARRL.


Dues will be due by Oct. 31 and are: regular membership $20, full-time student $10, family $30. Please complete the following when renewing your membership, even if you did so last year. Return to the Treasurer, at a meeting or to MAARS, P. O. Box 613, Manhattan, KS 66505-0613.

NAME _______________________________________  CALLSIGN ____________

MAILING ADDRESS____________________________________  DATE _____________

CITY _______________________________ STATE _____  ZIP CODE _____________

TELEPHONE # (____)_______________  E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________


NAME _______________________________________  CALLSIGN ____________

NAME _______________________________________  CALLSIGN ____________


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