Monthly Newsletter Dedicated to the Advancement of Amateur Radio May, 2000

Brian Carter, KCØDWX

April was an exciting month for us. We started out with our April meeting at Dr. Gary Johnson's lab where those who attended were treated to seeing a very impressive display. It was unfortunate that it ended with a bang and a puff of smoke. The members present decided, however, to replace the parts that had been damaged. A BIG thank you is at hand for Dr. Johnson's demonstration.

I understand that this was perhaps the largest attendance for a MAARS meeting that anyone could remember, with over 60 people being present. I wish more of you had been there. A large number of students from K-state attended helping to give us such a large audience.

April 30th the Red Cross had an open house. MAARS participated in the event by setting up a 10-meter station and 2-meter station. We used our club's dual band antenna donated by Lila, KAØDAT, for 2 meters and contacted the Topeka repeater with 25 watts. Henry Bachman, KAØSWM, provided the equipment for the event. Antenna setup was done several days in advance by Henry Bachman, Mike Moore, NØPVU, Charles Carter, AAØRI, Francis Sable, WØEVJ, Bob Bartholic, KBØZWK, and Brian Carter, KCØDWX.

Henry Bachman and Brian Carter worked the event with Charles Carter, Norm Dillman, NØJCC, Phyllis Dillman, NØMJB, Daryl Hasenbank, NØYHJ,and Pete Garfinkel, KD7GBG stopping by to help as well as provide good conversation. Other members participated by providing contacts on 2 meters. Henry's grab and go kit got the most attention from people visiting the Red Cross.

May's meeting does not have a scheduled program at this time and will be mostly a business meeting discussing field day location and our picnic as well as some other items. If you have something short you would like to arrange for the meeting contact Bob, KBØZWK on the air to discuss the idea.

Our May meeting will be held on Friday the 12th back at the normal location, the Red Cross building at 2601 West Anderson, Manhattan, KS. We hope to see you at the Sirloin Stockade as well to join in some conversation at the "over" eating meeting between 5 and 5:30 P.M.

Francis Sable, WØEVJ

The MAARS meeting on April 14, 2000 was held at Dr. Johnson's private lab on McDowell Creek Road. Dr. Gary Johnson demonstrated the operation of his high voltage apparatus. The attendance was good with a count of 59 on the sign-in sheet. This included some of the Electronics Class at KSU conducted by Jon, NØRYQ. There were also other guests present.

After the demonstration the formal meeting was begun by Brian, KCØDWX. After some discussion about the up coming Field Day it was voted to give approval to a F.D. committee to select the F.D. site. It was decided that the annual MAARS picnic will be in September at the Outlet Park in the Tuttle Dam Area.

Jon Held, NØRYQ, on behalf of the group, thanked Dr. Johnson for the demonstration and made a motion to compensate him for the special transistors that were damaged during the demonstration for the amount of $80.00. Approval for this was voted by the members present.

Our snacks for our next regular MAARS meeting on Friday, May 12, 2000 will be provided courtesy of Cindy and Brian Carter.

Bruce Frahm, KØBJ, ARRL Midwest Division Vice-Director, was mentioned as a candidate for the annual Kansas Ham of the Year award. It was voted by MAARS to support his nomination.

The Red Cross open house event on Sunday, April 30 was announced. They have requested that some MAARS members be present to demonstrate radio communications ability. There will be a Red Cross damage assessment class on May 22 from 6:00 to 10:00 P.M. Those interested should contact Carol at 537-2180

John Blessing, NØYRL, requested assistance from volunteers for work on the KSUARC antenna installation the next morning Saturday, April 15. Meeting adjourned. 

Chuck Carter, AAØRI

Norm, NØJCC, asked me if it would be all right to include ham related items for sale in the "Newsletter". My feelings are that any member in good standing should be able to place non-commercial ads at no charge. What are your thoughts on this?

BUY - SELL - SWAP a Hamfest on paper.


  1. 45-foot steel tower, top section, base, accessory shelf with six guy cables  $45.
  2. 440 MHz AEA Isopole vertical antenna  $20
  3. Alpha Delta lightning surge protected 4-position coax switches  $50
  4. Complete tower. 48 feet. Rohn 25G 4 10-ft. sections, top section, accessory shelf, base (home made)  $235
  5. Mosley Pro67B, big 7-element yagi, 40m (2 elements) through 10m  $475
  6. MFJ Pocket Morse Code Tutor, MFJ-418  $40
  7. HF-Antenna, Cubical Quad; 5-band, 2 elements each. Lightning Bold. New wire for all bands  $150
  8. Six-element 440 MHz beam  $15

Contact Norm Dillman, NØJCC (785) 539-1039 or

Myron Calhoun, WØPBV

Although it has NOTHING to do with the much-feared Y2K bug, a multi-jurisdiction "Year2K Disaster Drill" is scheduled (good weather permitting) for late afternoon on Tuesday, 23 May, 2000. While there may be some inter-jurisdiction cooperation, Geary, Pottawatomie, and Riley counties (and maybe Fort Riley?) are mostly developing their own "scenarios" to meet the needs of the various emergency-oriented agencies in each jurisdiction.

The overall scenario is that a simulated tornado will roll through Geary and Riley counties and on into Pottawatomie county. I don't know any details about the Fort Riley or Geary county "tornado", but I do know there will be simulated "hits"
   * near the Manhattan Airport,
   * on the KSU campus, to include some hazardous material, and
   *in the eastern part of Manhattan, in Pottawatomie county.

I also do not know how (or even if) amateur radio will be involved, but it would be a good idea for all "hams" to be like Boy Scouts and "Be Prepared", so please mark 23 May, 2000 on your calendar as a day when you may be able to perform some civic duty.

Myron A. Calhoun, WØPBV
ARES EC for Clay, Geary, and Riley counties
RACES Radio Officer for Riley county


These nets move traffic state wide and in and out of the state:
06:45 AMMWF3920 KHzKansas Phone Net
07:00 AMMTWTF3920 KHzKansas Morning Net
Weather Net
08:00 AMSunday3920 KHzKansas Phone Net
12:30 PMMTWTFS7253 KHzCentral States
Traffic Net
06:00 PMMTWTF3920 KHzKansas Weather Net
06:30 PMMTWTF3920 KHzKansas Sideband Net
07:00 PMMTWTF3610 KHzKansas CW Traffic Net
07:30 PMM W F3710 KHzKansas Slow-Speed CW
Traffic Net
10:00 PMMTWTF3610 KHzKansas CW Traffic Net

Myron A. Calhoun
2001 Dunbar Road
Manhattan, Kansas  66502-3907

Nadine Stueve, KØUHF
April 2000

Total Cash Available, 4/01/00 $ 2,210.51
      ARRL Dues87.00
Total Receipts    + 87.00
      Prepaid Phone Patch.78
      Newsletter - Printing22.00
      ARRL Dues83.00
      Equipment Insurance69.00
      Liability Insurance325.00
Total Expenditures    - 675.32
Cash on Hand, 4/30/0020.00 
Checking account balance, 4/30/00178.22 
Savings account balance, 4/30/001,423.97 
Balance on Hand, 4/30/00 $ 1,622.19


If you would like to become a member of or renew your membership in the American Radio Relay League and receive the monthly issue of QST, your treasurer has a form you may use to apply. If renewing, just bring along your notice of renewal to the club meeting. The club is allowed to retain $5 of each new member's dues and $2 of each full member who is renewing. Since the club retains the dues, it is necessary for you to write your check to MAARS, and then the treasurer writes a check to ARRL for the amount minus the $5 or $2.


Dues will be due by Oct. 31 and are: regular membership $20, full-time student $10, family $30. Please complete the following when renewing your membership, even if you did so last year. Return to the Treasurer, at a meeting or to MAARS, P. O. Box 613, Manhattan, KS 66505-0613.

NAME _______________________________________  CALLSIGN ____________

MAILING ADDRESS____________________________________  DATE _____________

CITY _______________________________ STATE _____  ZIP CODE _____________

TELEPHONE # (____)_______________  E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________


NAME _______________________________________  CALLSIGN ____________

NAME _______________________________________  CALLSIGN ____________


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It is alright to list my address and telephone number for distribution only to our members. ____

How do you prefer to receive your newsletter?

____ e-mail    ____ U.S. mail    ____ both

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