Monthly Newsletter Dedicated to the Advancement of Amateur Radio April, 2000

Brian Carter, KCØDWX

Hello to all. I hope you are all getting chance to enjoy the nice weather we have been having.

We would like to thank Francis, WØEVJ for giving us some very good information during the last couple of MAARS meetings about bipolar transistors. I know I learned quite a bit myself. Thanks to Jon, NØRYQ, for the phrase about "letting the smoke out of them." I had not heard that but I have already and will repeat it many times I'm sure.

Our April 14th meeting should be very exciting as we will be visiting Gary Johnson's, KØHGJ, lab to see his very large Tesla coil, capable of producing a spark 2 to 3 feet long discharging into the air. If you are interested and have a camera with a bulb setting you may want to bring it along with a tripod. Also this is a large storage building so depending on weather it may be cool, and lawn chairs might be a good idea if you don't want to stand for a long time. As with most meetings, please feel free to bring a guest along.

We will meet at Sirloin Stockade and travel out from there for those who don't know where the lab is located (McDowell Creek Road). I would imagine we will leave Sirloin Stockade at 6:45 P.M. in order to get there and prepare for the show. We will also monitor the repeater for any late arrivals. Everyone is welcome to come to Sirloin Stockade around 5 or 5:30 P.M. for dinner. Many of us meet there ahead of time.

The MAARS business meeting will be very brief due to our location. It would be a good idea however to decide on Field Day and Picnic locations. We need to reserve these soon in order to assure we get the locations we want.

On Sunday April 30 from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. the Red Cross will be having an open house. They have requested that MAARS also have some members there to represent ourselves, since we use their building and would be more than likely working closely together if there were a disaster. If you are interested please contact me on the radio or by e-mail

And last but not least I'd like to welcome two new members to the club. Pete Garfinkel, KD7GBG and Dale E. Feldhausen, WNØWWY. We look forward to seeing all of you on Friday, April 14th.

Francis Sable, WØEVJ

The monthly MAARS meeting began at 7:30 P.M. March 10. Francis Sable, WØEVJ, continued with a lecture and demonstrations on the subject of bipolar transistors.

This was followed by a business session. Chuck, AAØRI, reported his appraisal of repeater controllers. His opinion is that our present controller is a good choice. There is discussion about a recent incident of what seemed to be wireless telephone interference on the repeater.

Brian, KCØDWX, urges members to consider the up coming Field Day event, which is to be on June 24 and 25 this year and to submit their ideas for a possible F.D. site.

It is again announced that a beam antenna which was previously borrowed has been donated to MAARS. Kermit, KBØEEF, announced that he offered to buy a new antenna for Paul, NØUZN, but Paul refused the offer.

Jon, NØRYQ, discusses the portable gas tank for the MAARS portable motor-generator, and is looking for a suitable tank for same.

It is planned that our next monthly meeting will be at Gary Johnson's, KØHGJ, private laboratory located about 9 miles southwest of Manhattan on Deep Creek Road. Gary is the author of a recently published book titled The Search for a New Energy Source. We expect to see demonstrations of very high voltage phenomena. This should be a very interesting program. The scheduled meeting time is 7:30 P.M. Friday, April 14.

It is announced by Nadine, KØUHF, that there will be an XYL dinner on Thursday March 16 at the Calico Inn in Riley. Nadine also discussed the Newsletter ads and what the ad fees should be in view of the fact that most members now receive the Newsletter by E-mail.

Chuck, AAØRI, announces upcoming ARRL sponsored VE exams to be held in Wamego on Saturday Mar.18 at 2:00 P.M. and processing of certificates of exam completion on Saturday, April 15.

Meeting is adjourned by Brian. 

Chuck Carter, AAØRI

With the FCC-announced changes in Amateur licensing structure, VEs have been busy everywhere getting everyone eligible to upgrade ready for the April 15 changes.

We had a very good test session at Wamego March 18 with 11 candidates. Our very own Vice-Pres., Bob Bartholic, John Blessing, Daniel Soldan, and Mike Moore upgraded to General, Kenny upgraded to Advanced, and Henry upgraded to General at a hamfest in Kansas City. Norm also upgraded to Extra class at another hamfest in KC last Saturday. Others upgraded to General and Extra class at Saturday's test session, so I think it was a big success. I had 8 VEs helping me: Frances, WØEVJ, Nadine, KØUHF, Fred, KØTCS, and Kermit, KBØEEF crewed the Novice/Tech exams. Todd, KØKAN, Greg, WQØP, Mike, KAØSMU, Herm, WVØR, and myself administered General - Extra class exams and CW tests.

Myron Calhoun, WØPBV

Originally written by Dave Larton, N6JQJ, California State Auxiliary Communications Service Training Officer and Webmaster; introduction adapted by Myron Calhoun.

When volunteering, remember that the people you work for have a list of items that they expect from you. The following is condensed from a Basic Hostage Negotiations class taught in the San Francisco Bay Area by a former SWAT Commander with the Oakland, CA. Police Department. They apply very well as basics that every volunteer should keep in mind, especially when working for a higher authority:

Command Bill of Rights

  1. Give me options. The more options I have as a commander, the more of an informed decision I will be able to make.
  2. Don't destroy my career. Give me options that follow the rules, policies or procedures of my department.
  3. Promote dynamic tension. Play the devil's advocate when giving me options. What will happen if I follow this idea? What might occur if I don't follow the idea?
  4. Look Intelligent. Bring the proper equipment. Be prepared. Act the role you are supposed to be playing.

    Remember, people are watching all of us all the time.

  5. Be prepared to train the boss. Many times, the commander is the least informed of the entire team, yet he has to make some of the most crucial decisions. Give the boss the background as generally as you can. Be neutral.
  6. Keep me informed at all times. Don't hold any information back, no matter how trivial; it could prove to be extremely important later on.
  7. DON'T BREAK THE RULES! Should you elect to take a course of action that may potentially break the rules, let me know about it BEFORE you do it and get my OK! Remember Rules #2 and #3 above.

    All volunteers benefit from adhering to these seven rules, because your supervisor is counting on you to follow them.

Nadine Stueve, KØUHF
March 2000

Total Cash Available, 3/01/00 $ 2,281.15
      Savings Account Interest15.33
Total Receipts    38.67
      Post Office Box Rent44.00
      Coaxial Cable45.00
Total Expenditures    109.31
Cash on Hand, 3/31/0020.00 
Checking account balance, 3/31/0016.54 
Savings account balance, 3/31/002,173.97 
Balance on Hand, 3/31/00 $ 2,210.51


If you would like to become a member of or renew your membership in the American Radio Relay League and receive the monthly issue of QST, your treasurer has a form you may use to apply. If renewing, just bring along your notice of renewal to the club meeting. The club is allowed to retain $5 of each new member's dues and $2 of each full member who is renewing. Since the club retains the dues, it is necessary for you to write your check to MAARS, and then the treasurer writes a check to ARRL for the amount minus the $5 or $2.


Dues will be due by Oct. 31 and are: regular membership $20, full-time student $10, family $30. Please complete the following when renewing your membership, even if you did so last year. Return to the Treasurer, at a meeting or to MAARS, P. O. Box 613, Manhattan, KS 66505-0613.

NAME _______________________________________  CALLSIGN ____________

MAILING ADDRESS____________________________________  DATE _____________

CITY _______________________________ STATE _____  ZIP CODE _____________

TELEPHONE # (____)_______________  E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________


NAME _______________________________________  CALLSIGN ____________

NAME _______________________________________  CALLSIGN ____________


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