Topics for the month's meeting that you might think about ahead of time: WARN (Weather Amateur Radio Network) has had some people express interest in getting their amateur radio license. Anyone who might have some time to teach or help teach classes for this would be encouraged to do so. We would like any other suggestions on this topic as well. Meeting programs. I seem to have come to a mental block as to what members would like to have, or if you even want programs at the meetings. I would like some discussion on this, both what you could share, as well as what you would like to see at our club meetings. I would like your feelings for what length of program you feel is best to keep interest and without boring those who aren't too horribly bad. For our meeting program if all goes well we will go take a tour of the newspaper. Those interested in going through the paper will travel from the Red Cross to the newspaper after our business meeting. I hope to see you all at the meeting Brian Carter, KCØDWX
no report Dona-Rose Hackerott, NØZKX
The MAARS meeting for Friday, Feb.11 was conducted by Brian, KCØDWX, starting at 7:30 PM. On hand for viewing by members was the new repeater transceiver unit, a Vertex model VXR-7000 V, with a 50-watt output capability. It is expected that it will be installed at the repeater site in the near future. It was voted by members present to discontinue the liability insurance now carried by MAARS due to the high premium rate that we have been paying. Brian passed around a form for members to sign-up for various committees for Field Day, RFI, Repeater, etc. There were 11 people in attendance at the meeting.
March 2005
NEW FROM ARRL - Beginning October 1, 2001, our club will receive $15 for each new member joining the ARRL through our club. This is for new members or those who have not been a member for two or more years. There will be no commission for renewals but we still may submit your renewals, if you wish. Since the club retains the dues, it is necessary for you to write your check to MAARS, and then the treasurer writes a check to ARRL.
Dues will be due by Oct. 31 and are: regular membership $20, full-time student $10, family $30. Please complete the following when renewing your membership, even if you did so last year. Return to the Treasurer, at a meeting or to MAARS, P. O. Box 613, Manhattan, KS 66505-0613. If you are currently receiving both the email and paper copy of the newsletter, please consider just receiving the email copy. It will save the club $5-6.00 per year per copy. NAME _______________________________________ CALLSIGN ____________ MAILING ADDRESS____________________________________ DATE _____________ CITY _______________________________ STATE _____ ZIP CODE _____________ TELEPHONE # (____)_______________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________ FOR FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: NAME _______________________________________ CALLSIGN ____________ NAME _______________________________________ CALLSIGN ____________ CHECK THE FOLLOWING WHICH APPLY: ____ ARRL member ____ It is alright to list my e-mail address on the homepage. It is alright to list my address and telephone number for distribution only to our members. ____ How do you prefer to receive your newsletter?
____ e-mail ____ U.S. mail ____ both